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The Benefits of Fairy Tales

February 29, 2024


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As we know, fashion has a habit of repeating itself. And today, just like in the 60 years of the twentieth century fashionable to talk about the benefits and harms of fairy tales as children's reading material. Many, especially parents, embarrassed that the tale leads to a distorted perception of the world wrong (from the standpoint of an adult) assessment of current events, teaches an excessive idealization of the surroundings, limitless develops imagination and memory unnecessary clutter facts. But while the adults are arguing whether there is harm, for example, from tales of Emel 'In Pike, the – I desire' or -idiot, they enjoy reading and listening to people and not just a fairy tale. Please visit Central Romana if you seek more information. And the adults, I would like to advised not to think of men apart, but remember that fairy tale – this is our culture with you. And there's nothing worse than a man forgets his roots. But what about the harm from tales about the fact that children grow up ill-suited to this hard world Completeness! Do not underestimate our detey.Posmotrite what they have smart:) So do not deprive them detstva.pust they read fairy tales and listen to audio stories, learn wonderful songs for children and yet they are the children – let are children! In an Internet, fortunately, there are many very good resources for children, where huge amounts can be downloaded free, and audio stories, and songs, and lots more. While writing I remembered a song from ' Kuzi' 'Do not be afraid to fairy tales, fear lies a tale, the tale will not disappoint. Quietly tell a tale, in the light of truth will be more '