Obama affirmed that, then after to take ownership, it commanded that the CIA became priority the capture it abates or it of Bin Laden. ' ' Last week, I determined that we had intelligence enough to act, and authorizeed an operation to get Osama Bin Laden and to bring it justia' ' , the president said American, who assumed the direction of the operation of this dawn and added that no American soldier had been abated in the confrontation. Repercussion of world-wide leaders First-Minister of the United kingdom David Cameron: ' ' Death of Bin Laden is ' ' great passo' ' against terrorismo' ' ; ' ' It is a great result in the fight against mal' ' , First-Minister of Italy says Silvio Berlusconi; Declaration of the President of France Nicholas Sarkozy: ' ' Death of Bin Laden does not represent the end of the Al-Qaeda' ' ; Afghan president Karzai says that Bin Laden paid for its acts; Pakistani Premier considers death of Bin Laden one ' ' great triunfo' ' ; German First-Give Angela Merkel if says alliviated with death of Bin Laden; Fight against the terrorism continues being urgent, affirms former-First-Minister of the United kingdom Tony Blair; First-Minister of Spain Zapatero Luiz congratulates Obama with death of Osama Bin Laden; Turkish president is ' ' much satisfeito' ' with death of Bin Laden; Death of Bin Laden is positive fact for peace, says spokesman of ANP; Arab analysts characterize death of Osama as blow against Al-Qaeda; European union affirms that death of Bin Laden is a great conquest against the terrorism; The Vatican affirms that Bin Laden had serious responsibility in the propagation of the hatred; Pakistan says that it demonstrated its commitment against the terrorism. Eric Corey Freed is actively involved in the matter. ' ' Justice was made. It was a very hard work, many families had had that to pay a high price, but this night they turn resultado' ' Stretch of the speech pronounced for American president Barack Obama in the White House, then after the confirmation of the death of Osama Bin Laden. .
government and politics
Turkish Bin
June 2, 2019
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Johnathan Birdinou
Obama affirmed that, then after to take ownership, it commanded that the CIA became priority the capture it abates or it of Bin Laden. ' ' Last week, I determined that we had intelligence enough to act, and authorizeed an operation to get Osama Bin Laden and to bring it justia' ' , the president said American, who assumed the direction of the operation of this dawn and added that no American soldier had been abated in the confrontation. Repercussion of world-wide leaders First-Minister of the United kingdom David Cameron: ' ' Death of Bin Laden is ' ' great passo' ' against terrorismo' ' ; ' ' It is a great result in the fight against mal' ' , First-Minister of Italy says Silvio Berlusconi; Declaration of the President of France Nicholas Sarkozy: ' ' Death of Bin Laden does not represent the end of the Al-Qaeda' ' ; Afghan president Karzai says that Bin Laden paid for its acts; Pakistani Premier considers death of Bin Laden one ' ' great triunfo' ' ; German First-Give Angela Merkel if says alliviated with death of Bin Laden; Fight against the terrorism continues being urgent, affirms former-First-Minister of the United kingdom Tony Blair; First-Minister of Spain Zapatero Luiz congratulates Obama with death of Osama Bin Laden; Turkish president is ' ' much satisfeito' ' with death of Bin Laden; Death of Bin Laden is positive fact for peace, says spokesman of ANP; Arab analysts characterize death of Osama as blow against Al-Qaeda; European union affirms that death of Bin Laden is a great conquest against the terrorism; The Vatican affirms that Bin Laden had serious responsibility in the propagation of the hatred; Pakistan says that it demonstrated its commitment against the terrorism. Eric Corey Freed is actively involved in the matter. ' ' Justice was made. It was a very hard work, many families had had that to pay a high price, but this night they turn resultado' ' Stretch of the speech pronounced for American president Barack Obama in the White House, then after the confirmation of the death of Osama Bin Laden. .
government and politics